Service: Contract Administration & CDM-C Size: £120,000 contract sum Contract Administration of tenant’s works to refurbish industrial property to avoid landlord forfeiture whilst mitigating tenant’s financial exposure.
Service: Contract Administration & CDM-C Size: £120,000 contract sum Contract Administration of tenant’s works to refurbish industrial property to avoid landlord forfeiture whilst mitigating tenant’s financial exposure.
Service: Contract Administration & CDM-C Size: £200,000 contract sum Contract Administration and CDM-C of landlord’s works to install mezzanine floor and amalgamate two retail units to facilitate letting to tenant.
Service: Contract Administration & CDM-C Size: 80,000 sq ft industrial Contract Administration of refurbishment works following agreement of dilapidations settlement on second hand industrial unit.
Service: Contract Administration & CDM-C Size: £330,000 contract sum Contract Administration and CDM-C of landlord’s refurbishment works to re-let distribution centre following successful dilapidations claim.